SUMMARY: Since the dawn of policing, officers have been interviewing suspects, and suspects have been lying to police. Machine learning algorithms, like those used by EyeDetect, have the remarkable ability ... Read More
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Converus in the News
SUMMARY: Researchers from Texas A&M will be at the TAMIU campus July 18-23 conducting a study of an ocular deception detection device produced by Converus called EyeDetect.
July 7, 2024Jeff Pizzino
SUMMARY: This podcast interview dives deep into the latest advancements in lie detection technology and how they work.
April 2, 2024Jeff Pizzino
SUMMARY: What if an app on your smartphone could verify that someone is telling you the truth?
April 1, 2024Jeff Pizzino
SUMMARY: EyeDetect and polygraph exonerate Filipino Olympian pole vaulter of doping allegation.
October 19, 2023Jeff Pizzino
SUMMARY: Converus CEO explains worldwide implications of new mobile truth verification app in screening job applicants, verifying identities, determining credit risks, and more.
June 28, 2023Jeff Pizzino
SUMMARY: New app-based truth verification technology can help determine innocence or guilt about infidelity, addiction or identity.
June 28, 2023Jeff Pizzino
SUMMARY: Three law enforcement depts. looking for a more efficient and cost-effective lie detection technique settle on EyeDetect.
December 15, 2022Jeff Pizzino
SUMMARY: 32-year veteran of the San Francisco Police Dept. says making EyeDetect part of the hiring process is one of the innovations in recruitment.
August 15, 2022Jeff Pizzino
SUMMARY: EyeDetect is the future of lie detection. It delivers quick, accurate results for the law enforcement hiring process.
August 2, 2022Jeff Pizzino
Converus (“with truth”) provides scientifically validated credibility assessment technologies that help protect countries, corporations and communities from corruption, crime and threats.